28 September 2009


At the beginning of the summer, my boss gave some co-workers and I money to buy flowers at a client's nursery about half an hour away from the office. I have never been good at keeping plants alive but decided to give it a shot since it was free. Marigolds have always been my grandma's flower of choice so I decided I was going to make her proud ;)
Yeah, it totally died.
Pssh, Did you think I was gonna give up that easy? Heck no. I ripped the dead flower apart and planted those lil seeds right in the dirt it died in.
Take yourself a little look at that marigold. Sweet freaking flower victory! Not a craft or anything, but something I'm just as excited about.

Fun fact: Marigold or Calendula oil is good for headaches, toothaches, acne, & swelling. I think you can also cook with it but uh...that might be kinda gross.
Grow your own herbs! Rosemary and basil are pretty low maintenance, and you'll probably feel a little cooler going outside and picking it yourself.

1 comment:

  1. "Sweet freaking flower victory!" I. Love. It.

    Please post more. Way more. You guys rule.
